Monday, August 3, 2009

Why I choose Software Engineering?

Why I choose Software Engineering?

Aside form its part of the curriculum to finish this degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. This subject will guide me in building up systems for what specification the client needs. Help me find the defficiencies and errors why the program collapse on the particular establishment or client.

Taking up Software Engineering help us IT practitioners to adopt on systematic and organized approach in our field of work. So that will be able to know the appropriate tools and techniques upon solving any software problems. The constraints of the development should be realized before deploying the software. To avoid technical and socio-technical problems. The resources around should be used so that it be close to perfection.

With software engineering will be guided to the facts that will going to gather. Even the simplest facts because it really counts. The simplest facts could shutdown the system or it would make it useless and less less efficient. It also reminds us IT's practitioners that we should be open-minded. Because the suggestions or recommendations of the client or a member of the team will help build an essential and more productive output.

The most important of all, We IT students or professionals should be guided and reminded of the of the code of ethics. For us to know the duties,limitations ,and responsibilities as an expert in Information technology.

Yumague, Alfred Athelstein II N.

Good day to all!